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In May 2004, we took a series of photos of the moon¡¯s changing. Moon showed different shape, like ruyi (ruyi is a mascot that means everything goes well) or jade rabbit. To our surprise, even moon can write Chinese. In May 2005, we also captured a photo that the sun became UFO shape for an instant. How these phenomena did happen? Is it a result of the sun or the moon or human?
New discoveries continue: flower in the sky floated in the kitchen, objects moved in the space, golden light came down from the Heaven. Where do they come from? What does their appearance indicate? What connection do they have with us?
The Sun Knows The Moon Knows Energy Lines
Mysterious Nature Shift Objects Golden Light
  Explore Traces of Dragons Play>>>   
In the past thousands of years , dragons were always the royal symbol of Emperors and the image of luck and fortune, which can be seen easily in Chinese traditions and daily life. Dragons have become ethos of Chinese and symbol of Chinese culture. Let¡¯s go to explore the traces of dragons.
  Dragon Drank Play>>>   
On 7 September 2007, TV reported a marvelous spectacle - dragon drank the water in Gaoyou lake in Dragon News programme.
  The Shining Chrysanthemum Play>>>   
On Nov 5, 2005, we shot such a scene: chrysanthemums at the meeting place gave out golden light! Golden substance around flower. It looks very beautiful! The leaves, caudexes and vine also gave out light with different color.
  Explore the Universe Play>>>     
The universe is a mystery. It is a complex astronomical network that accommodates some unsolved miraculous events that happen around the stars, planets, galaxies, etc. which concerning its evolution, formation and phenomena of the universe as a whole.
  Unbelievable Similar Play>>>     
From this video, you will find that there is an unbelievable similar between owners and their pet dogs. Why? Is there an imperceptible interaction between owners and their pets? Now, many people like to keep pet, but is it actually a good choice or a bad choice? More research is required.
The Sun Knows
On May 12£¬ 2005£¬ we were going to take photos of the sunrise after cameras and videos were placed on tripod. With the sun rising above the horizon, the sun on the screen of the camera became bright and bright. Suddenly, the round sun became UFO shape. Lasting 10 seconds, the sun became the round shape again.¡£>>more
The sun shows red, yellow and white.
The sun became UFO shape for an instant.
Shine a light! What is the pink orb in the lower left of the picture£¿
The Moon Knows
On May 26, 2004, At the glance of the moon, it looked like dancing. At first, I thought my eyes dazzled. I called my friends to see it in order to prove my judgment. Sure, it was the moon that was changing! We decided to keep the record. 4 cameras were set with tripod. Cameras were set auto model without any special setting. The similar phenomenon also happened in May 2005.>>more
The moon became a jade rabbit.
The moon looks like a young girl dressed in a skirt.
The moon is dancing.
The moon looks like lotus.
The moon became Jade Ruyi.
The moon is dancing.
* Special Phynomena in the sky After the Earchquake in Yao'an

China Eearthquake Networks Center reported£¬at 19:19:13¡¯on Jul. 9th 2009, an 6 Magnitude earthquake hit Yao¡¯an County, Chuxiong, Yunnan province in China. The shake can be felt distinctly in Kunming city. Some special phynomena appeared in the sky in Yao¡¯an and Kunming city.>>more pictures

* Pictures of Different Weathers
We collected some pictures in different weathers from the internet. These pictures were shot in different places of the world in recent years. >>more pictures
* UFOs seen approaching Shenzhou 9 rocket
TV viewers watching the Shenzhou 9 mission liftoff might have seen two UFOs approach the rocket as it exited the earth's atmosphere.>>more details
Shift Objects

As is known to all, objects can¡¯t move without force. However, we find the phenomenon from the photos taken by ourselves that tower foundation, steps etc, move from place to place in the space. What is it that makes them move?
A obvious structure of building appeared on the top of the roof, and there were the direct rays of light.
Why did the windows of the kitchen move vertically to the roof£¿
Golden Light
Golden light appear in the photos taken at night. Some are thick, some are thin, and some are bright. Some come down from the heaven. Is there other light source? We checked the location again. But no any light can be seen. Where do they come from?>>more
Lots of lights extend towards the same direction.
Golden lights join together.
Energy Lines
In November 2007, someone took photos of energy lines with different colors around himself by chance. Theses lines are in and out. Some looks thick, others thin. And, they show different color, such as red, white, yellow, green and so on.>>more
The begining parts of the lines look very grotesque,especially bright.
Energy lines bend towards different directions.
A series of lines are parallel distributied,and there is a broken green line.

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